
Rope halters and something

Rope halter are quite the new fashion in the equestrian world. Besides the style, it's an interesting tool for groundwork (I'm not really for its use for riding, but anyway I respect people who do) so I've always made (or tried, anyway) some.

In little bit size, they happen to be too large. But in traditional scale, they look quite good. I've made two recently : 
The first one, multi-colored. I loooove it and he fits perfectly my ISH. The rope is a bit too large, though.

Pretty Coffee, Quarter Horse satllion.
I think it's a E-Horse model ? on the ISH from Peter Stones Horses.

Recently I found a very interesting sort of rope ; I bought it in 3 different colors : yellow (of coure), red and green. I tried to make one and I like the result. It will be part of a set composed by a rope halter, a lead rope and a saddle pad (and I'm looking for some other stuff to add). These sets may be for sale in the future...

Taieg *HL, Selle Français mare.
Little Red Riding Hood on Palouse, from Peter Stone Horses.

Last picture of this post : my first custom in traditional scale. It's a GG Valentine turning to a chestnut. Still a lot of work to do... but I like painting her and I'm happy on how she's turning. Hope I'll finish her right (and soon, can't wait to see her finished!)

The pic doesn't show her real color, I edited it.

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